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Biomedical Research, Science, & Technology


Displaying 211 - 220 of 244. 10 per page. Page 22.

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State-Based Initiatives to Improve the Recruitment and Retention of the Paraprofessional Long-Term Care Workforce

The Department of Health and Human Services awarded a contract to launch a national initiative designed to improve recruitment and retention of direct care workers in the long-term care field.

The Experiences of Workers Hired Under Consumer Direction in Arkansas

In this paper, the authors use data obtained from the first Cash and Counseling demonstration, Arkansas' IndependentChoices, to assess the experiences of directly hired workers. They describe the types and amount of care that paid workers provide, the training and supervision they receive, their working conditions, and their well-being.

The Future Supply of Long-Term Care Workers in Relation to the Aging Baby Boom Generation

One of the challenges facing the U.S. in the 21st Century will be to ensure that individuals throughout their life will have the supports they need and will be treated with dignity. For the growing population of the elderly and people with disabilities, ensuring the adequacy and availability of direct care workers is key to meeting this ideal.

Toward a National Health Information Infrastructure: A Key Strategy for Improving Quality in Long-Term Care

Marcelline R. Harris, RN, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic Christopher G. Chute, MD, Dr.P.H., Mayo Clinic Jennie Harvell, M.Ed., U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Alan White, Ph.D., Abt Associates

State Experiences with Minimum Nursing Staff Ratios for Nursing Facilities: Findings from the Research to Date and a Case Study Proposal

This paper reports on (1) what is known about the status of minimum nursing staff ratios, and (2) gaps in knowledge about this type of nursing staff standard and its implementation.

State Wage Pass-Through Legislation: An Analysis

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services State Wage Pass-Through Legislation: An Analysis WORKFORCE ISSUES: No. 1 Institute for the Future of Aging Services December 20, 2002 PDF Version

Frontline Long-Term Care Worker Project: Summaries of the Three Technical Expert Panel Meetings

This paper reports on meetings of the Technical Expert Panels (TEPs) that were formed as part of the project "Frontline Workers in Long-Term Care." TEPs were established to address the following three areas as they relate to direct care workers in long-term care settings: (1) Extrinsic rewards and incentives, such as wages and fringe benefits; (2) Workplace culture, which focuses on the organiz

The Role of Health Insurance in Successful Labor Force Entry and Employment Retention

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The Role of Health Insurance in Successful Labor Force Entry and Employment Retention

Research on Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Summary of the Focus Group Findings

The Lewin Group, Inc. Berkeley Policy Associates, Cornell University

Response of the Department of Health and Human Services to NBAC's Report 'Research Involving Human Biological Materials: Ethical Issues and Policy Guidance'

Cover letterHarold Shapiro, Ph.D., Chair National Bioethics Advisory Commission 6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 700 MSC 7979 Bethesda, Maryland 20892-7979 Dear Dr. Shapiro: