The Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 (NED2) Housing Choice Voucher Program, a joint effort
between the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services, aimed to increase access to affordable housing for non-elderly people (age 62 and
under) with disabilities currently residing in institutions, such as a nursing home. To qualify for the
program, public housing authorities had to establish a partnership with the state Medicaid agency
responsible for assisting individuals to transition out of institutions to arrange for health and social
services and supports. The evaluation examined the program’s implementation in a subset of
communities that received NED2 vouchers, and estimated the impact of the program on the change in
the rate of community transitions among the eligible population. [85 PDF pages]
Non-Elderly Disabled Category 2 Housing Choice Voucher Program: An Implementation and Impact Analysis
Publication Date
Cat2Housing.pdf (pdf, 1.44 MB)
People with Disabilities
Housing Choice - Voucher Programs