Date: December 16, 2005
Lora Kutkat
Office of Science Policy and Planning
Office of the Director
National Institutes of Health
Re: CRE Request for Correction
(By electronic and first-class mail and facsimile)
Dear Ms. Kutkat:
I filed a Request for Correction under the Information Quality Act regarding the atrazine twelfth Report on Carcinogens (“RoC”) nomination. I filed this RoC on behalf of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness ("CRE"), the Kansas Corn Growers Association, and the Triazine Network. You stated in your latest letter to me that the NIH would respond by January 2, 2005, to this RoC.
The National Toxicology Program recently stated that review of the atrazine nomination is deferred until the thirteenth RoC. 70 FR 60548 (October 18, 2005).
In light of this NTP announcement, CRE and the other Petitioners are withdrawing their Request for Correction without prejudice to their right to file it again at some future date.
If you have any questions, please call contact me.
Jim J. Tozzi
Member, Board of Advisors
Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
Jere White
Triazine Network
Kansas Corn Growers Association