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Family Well-Being


Displaying 191 - 200 of 200. 10 per page. Page 20.

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Eldercare: The Impact of Family Caregivers' Employment on Formal and Informal Helper Hours

The 1989 National Long Term Care Survey is the first nationally representative survey to collect data on weekly hours of assistance received by ADL and/or IADL disabled elders living in the community by individual caregivers, both formal and informal.

Review of Family Preservation and Family Reunification Programs

A REVIEW OF FAMILY PRESERVATION AND FAMILY REUNIFICATION PROGRAMS By Westat, Inc. in association with James Bell Associates, Inc., and The Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago May 30, 1995 For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

A Synthesis of Research on Family Preservation and Family Reunification Programs

by Julia H. Littell and John R. Schuerman Westat, Inc., in association with James Bell Associates, and the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago. A part of the National Evaluation of Family Preservation Servcies For the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Department of Health and Human Services

RESEARCH AGENDA: Personal Assistance Services and Related Supports

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation sponsored an expert meeting on research related to personal assistance services (PAS). This day long meeting was the first of three expert meetings on disability topic areas that DALTCP is considering for inclusion in its research agenda.

Family Definitions in Programs and Policy

The purpose of this paper is to: (1) examine family definitions used in federal programs; (2) look at how family definitions are used in some broad policy areas; and, (3) suggest improvements in how families can be defined for policy research. This paper was presented at the American Statistical Association, Winter Conference. [25 PDF pages]

Family Research Meeting: Summary

On August 8, 1991, the Division of Family and Community Policy within ASPE convened a meeting of family-related researchers to discuss the following questions: Why has so little family research impacted policy? What can be done to improve the situation? What issues are important to future research?

Research on Children, Youth, and Families: 1986-1990

This compendium is published by the Division of Children and Youth Policy within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. It summarizes the results of the Division’s research projects from 1986 through the present and highlights future plans.

Research on Successful Families

This is a body of research on families that are enduring, cohesive, affectionate, and mutually-appreciative, and in which family members communicate with one another frequently and fruitfully. They are families that raise children who go on to form successful families themselves. They are not necessarily families that are trouble-free.

Identifying Successful Families: An Overview of Constructs and Selected Measures

The study of family strengths has been pursued by researchers from a variety of disciplines, including psychiatry, sociology, psychology, and family/marriage counseling.

A Partial Listing of Problems Facing American Children, Youth, and Families

This collection of brief issue papers uses diverse data to describe 15 major problems facing American children and families. Each paper summarizes the state of knowledge about the scope of the problem, trends, current government expenditures, costs per case, effectiveness of current intervention strategies and public attitudes about the problem areas.