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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Technical Review Panel on the Medicare Trustees Reports;
Notice of Establishment
Pursuant to Public Law 92-463, the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) announces the establishment by the Secretary of the Technical Review Panel on the Medicare Trustees Reports.
The Panel shall review the assumptions and methods underlying the Hospital Insurance and Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund annual reports. The panel's review shall include the following four topics:
1. Medicare assumptions (e.g., utilization rates, medical price increases).
2. Projection methodology (how assumptions are used to make cost projections).
3. Long-range growth assumptions for HI and SMI.
4. Use of stochastic forecasting techniques.
The Panel shall terminate on August 12, 2001, unless the Secretary, DHHS, formally determines that continuance is in the public interest.
Dated: August 30, 1999.
Margaret A. Hamburg,
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.