January 9, 2003
Dear Ms.:
Thank you for responding to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Information Quality Website. Your request was received and referred to the appropriate professional concerning fluoridation. The CDC statement that "Extensive research conducted over the past 50 years has shown that fluoridation of public water supplies is a safe and effective way to reduce tooth decay for all community residents" is supported by extensive peer-reviewed scientific research. We believe that the presentation of the fluoride information is comprehensive, informative, and understandable within the context of its intended purpose. Further detail and references regarding this topic can be found in the following articles: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, 1991, Review of Fluoride: Benefits and Risks; MMWR 2001 Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United States, Vol. 50, No. RR-14, and the Institute of Medicine, 1997, Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D, and Fluoride.
A written appeal or electronic request may be submitted for reconsideration within 30 days of receipt of the agency's decision. The appeal must state the reasons why the agency response is insufficient or inadequate. You must attach a copy of your original request and the agency's response to it. Also, clearly mark the appeal with the words, 'Information Quality Appeal' and send the appeal:
By Mail:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Management Analysis and Services Office
1600 Clifton Road, N.E.
Mailstop F-07
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
By Fax:
770 488-4995
By Website Electronic Submission
By Electronic-Mail:
Donna Stroup, Ph.D., MSc.
Associate Director for Science
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Last Revised: August, 2004