THE JOBS EVALUATION MONTHLY PARTICIPATION RATES IN ATLANTA, GRAND RAPIDS, AND RIVERSIDE, USING ALTERNATIVE PARTICIPATION MEASURES AND DENOMINATORS Participation Rate for Different Denominators Measure Statuses Counted in Level of Involvement Based on the Based on the number Based on the number Label Numerator of Required in order to be number of of JOBS-mandatory of individuals who had Participation Rate Counted as a Participant Single-Parent AFDC individuals in the attended JOBS Cases in the month month orientation (a) A Participation in JOBS Participated at least 20 5-10% 4-14% 7-20% activities or Employment hours per week in every while receiving AFDC week or Employed at least 15 hours per week in every week B Participation in JOBS Participated at all in every 8-18% 15-18% 22-29% activities or Employment week or Employed at all in while receiving AFDC every week. C Participation in JOBS Participated at all in every 9-21% 20-26% 30-46% activities or Employment week or Employed at all in while receiving AFDC or every week or Sanction Sanction imposed or imposed or requested in requested every week. D Participation in JOBS Participated at all in month 12-30% 35-44% 54-70% activities or Employment or Employed at all in month while receiving AFDC or or Sanction imposed or Sanction imposed or requested at all in month requested E Participation in JOBS Participated at all in month 8-20% 16-28% 23-42% activities NOTES: Individuals for whom data are missing on scheduled and actual hours of attendance for all weeks in the month are not counted as participants in this table. For this reason, participation rates for Measure "D" may be slightly lower in this table compared to those implied by other tables or figures. (a) All participation rates in this column also include JOBS-exempt individuals employed at least 30 hours per week at a paid job in the numerator of rates. These individuals, who are not JOBS-mandatory, are not included in the numerators or denominators of the participation rates in the other two columns.