*SAS PROGRAM; *TEST71.SAS; *This program READ IN unit level file; * there is no person level file in year 1971; * 5/20/99; ********************************************; OPTIONS OBS = max NOCENTER COMPRESS = YES; *OPTIONS OBS=0; FILENAME OUT1 '[afdcqc.sassets]FY71_U.DAT' ; x 'gunzip [afdcqc.sassets]FY71_U.DAT'; proc format; VALUE FUNIT_ID 1="Minimum" 25239="Maximum" ; VALUE FSTATE 11="MAINE" 12="NEW HAMPSHIRE" 13="VERMONT" 14="MASSACHUSETTS" 15="RHODE ISLAND" 16="CONNECTICUT" 21="NEW YORK" 22="NEW JERSEY" 23="PENNSYLVANIA" 3="PUERTO RICA" 31="OHIO" 32="INDIANA" 33="ILLINOIS" 34="MICHIGAN" 35="WISCONSIN" 41="MINNESOTA" 42="IOWA" 43="MISSOURI" 44="NORTH DAKOTA" 45="SOUTH DAKOTA" 46="NEBRASKA" 47="KANSAS" 51="DELAWARE" 52="MARYLAND" 53="DIST. OF COL." 54="VIRGINIA" 55="WEST VIRGINIA" 56="NORTH CAROLINA" 57="SOUTH CAROLINA" 58="GEORGIA" 59="FLORIDA" 61="KENTUCKY" 62="TENNESSEE" 63="ALABAMA" 64="MISSISSIPPI" 71="ARKANSAS" 72="LOUISIANA" 73="OKLAHOMA" 74="TEXAS" 81="MONTANA" 82="IDAHO" 83="WYOMING" 84="COLORADO" 85="NEW MEXICO" 86="ARIZONA" 87="UTAH" 88="NEVADA" 91="WASHINGTON" 92="OREGON" 93="CALIFORNIA" 94="ALASKA" 95="HAWAII" other="Other territories" 98="N/A" 99="Unknown" ; VALUE FMONOPEN 996="Month and year unknown" 997="Inapplicable, father not married to mother" 998="Inapplicable, father in the home" 1-995="1-995" ; VALUE FRESIDE 0="Does not currently reside in this state" 1="In SMSA city of 500,00 or more" 2="In SMSA city of 500,00 or more" 3="In SMSA city of 250,00 to 499,999" 4="In SMSA city of 100,000 to 249,000" 5="In SMSA city of Less than 100,000" 6="In SMSA Outside of the central city" 7="Not SMSA,town 2,500 or more" 8="Not SMSA,on a farm" 9="Not SMSA,not farm/town > than 2,500" ; VALUE FRACE 1="White" 2="Black" 3="American Indian" 4="Other" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FPRIAFDC 1="Yes, AFDC received <12 months prior" 2="Yes, AFDC received 12-23 months prior" 3="Yes, AFDC received 2-4 years prior" 4="Yes, AFDC received 5-9 years prior" 5="Yes, AFDC received 10 or more yrs prior" 6="Yes, AFDC received, time unknown" 7="No, AFDC not received prior to MONOPEN" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FSAMEPAR 1="Same mom and same dad" 2="Same mom, but two or more diff dads" 3="Same dad but two or more diff moms" 4="2 or more diff dads, 2 or more diff moms" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FDADSTS 00="Dead" 01="Incapacitated" 02="Unemp/PT enrolled training pgm" 03="Unemp/PT WIN referral,awaitng enrollmnt" 04="Unemp/PT not enrolled/awaiting enrollmnt" 05="Divorced" 06="Legally separated" 07="Separated without court decree" 08="Deserted" 09="Not married to mother" 10="In Prison" 11=" Absent for another reason" 12="Stepfather case" 13="kids not deprivd dad's support but mom's" ; VALUE FDADEDUC 0="none -4th grade" 1="5th to 7th grade" 2="8th grade" 3="9th-11th grade" 4="High school graduate" 5="1st-3rd year college" 6="College graduate" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FDADRES 1="In the home" 2="Mental institution" 3="Other medical institution" 4="Prison or reformatory" 5="Other institution" 6="Same county" 7="Different county, same state" 8="Different state in the United States" 88="Inapplicable (father deceased)" 9="A foreign country" 99="Whereabouts unknown" ; VALUE FMOMSTS 00="Has part time job (l35 hrs or more/wk)" 01="Has part time job (less than 35 hrs/wk)" 02="Enrolled in work or training program" 03="Awaiting enrollmnt after referral to WIN" 04="Phys/mentally incapacitated employmnt" 05="No skills/no available employmnt" 06="Needed home full time as homemaker" 07="None of the above-actively seeking work" 08="None of the above-not seeking work" 09="Dead" 10="Deserted" 11="In medical institution other than mental" 12="In a mental institution" 13="Absent for another reason" ; VALUE FOTHRHH 88="Family resides in group quarters" 99="Unknown" ; VALUE FNUMHH 88="Family resides in group quarters" 99="Unknown" ; VALUE FYYDLEFT 99="Inapplicable" 98="Unknown" ; VALUE FYYMJOBE 97="Unknown" 98="Inapplicable:now employed,dead" 99="Never worked" ; VALUE FMOMEDUC 1="none -4th grade" 2="5th to 7th grade" 3="8th grade" 4="9th-11th grade" 5="High school graduate" 6="1st-3rd year college" 7="College graduate" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FYEARMOV 71="Unknown" 72="Inapplic:never lived anoth state/country" ; VALUE FCHDCARE 0="Inapplicable" 1="Kids cared for in own home by relative" 2="Kids cared for in own home by nonrelative" 3="Kids cared for in oth home by reltive" 4="Kids cared for in oth home by nonreltive" 5="Group care (day care, nursery sch, etc)" 6="Child looks after self" 7="Mom cares for kid while working/training" 8="Other" 9="Arrangements unknown" ; VALUE FCHDCARE 0="Inapplicable" 1="Kids cared for in own home by relative" 2="Kids cared for in own home by nonrelative" 3="Kids cared for in oth home by reltive" 4="Kids cared for in oth home by nonreltive" 5="Group care (day care, nursery sch, etc)" 6="Child looks after self" 7="Mom cares for kid while working/training" 8="Other" 9="Arrangements unknown" ; VALUE FCHDCARE 0="Inapplicable" 1="Kids cared for in own home by relative" 2="Kids cared for in own home by nonrelative" 3="Kids cared for in oth home by reltive" 4="Kids cared for in oth home by nonreltive" 5="Group care (day care, nursery sch, etc)" 6="Child looks after self" 7="Mom cares for kid while working/training" 8="Other" 9="Arrangements unknown" ; VALUE FPASTSER 1="Yes, services needed" 2="Yes, services not needed" 3="No, plan not developed and recorded" ; VALUE FSERV 1="Yes" 2="No" 9="Unkown" ; VALUE FFDSTAMP 1="No food plan in effect" 2="Donated food-family participates" 3="Donated food-plan-family doesn't participate" 4="Donated food-participation unknown" 5="Food stamp-family participates" 6="Food stamp-family doesn't participate" 7="Food stamp-participation unknown" ; VALUE FPUBHOUS 1="Yes" 2="No" 9="Unknown" ; VALUE FORIGIN 0="No" 1="Yes-Mexican" 2="Yes-Puerto Rican" 3="Yes-Cuban" 4="Yes-Other Latin American" 5="Yes-Latin American type unknown" 6="Unknown-Has Spanish surname" 7="Unknown-Does not have Spanish surname" ; *UNIT LEVEL; DATA UNIT; INFILE OUT1 LRECL =198 MISSOVER; INPUT @1 UNIT_ID 6. STATE 2. S_CODE 4. RESIDE 1. NUMADL 1. NUMCHD 2. NUMOTHR 1. NUMTOT 2. OTHRHH 1. NUMHH 2. RACE 1. MONOPEN 3. PRIAFDC 1. YYRCV 2. SAMEPAR 1. (INAFDC1 - INAFDC22) (1.) INAFDC 2. ILLEGI 2. (NOAFDC1-NOAFDC3) (1.) DADSTS 2. YYDLEFT 2. YYDBIRTH 2. PLDBIRTH 2. DADEDUC 1. DADRES 1. MOMSTS 2. YYMJOBE 2. YYMBIRTH 2. PLMBIRTH 2. MOMEDUC 1. YEARMOVE 2. MOMRES 2. (CHDCARE1-CHDCARE3) (1.) PASTSER 1. (NUMREF1-NUMREF5) (1.) (NUMENR1-NUMENR5) (1.) (SERV1-SERV30) (1.) MOMINC 3. DADINC 3. CHDINC 3. OTRINC 3. WIN 3. SUPPAY 3. OASDIRR 3. UCOMP 3. CONOTHR 3. INKIND 3. TOTINC 3. DDWORK 3. OUTAFDC 3. DDCHLD 3. OTHEREXP 3. CHDNEED 3. DDINC 3. NETINC71 3. AFDC 3. GENAST 3. TOTAST 3. TOTNEED 3. UNMET 3. FDSTAMP 1. PUBHOUSE 1. ORIGIN 1. ; * recode missing VALUEs; array array3 MOMINC DADINC CHDINC OTRINC WIN SUPPAY OASDIRR UCOMP CONOTHR INKIND TOTINC DDWORK OUTAFDC DDCHLD OTHEREXP CHDNEED DDINC NETINC71 AFDC GENAST TOTAST TOTNEED UNMET ; do over array3; if (array3 eq 999) then array3=.U; else if (array3 eq 0) then array3=.Z; end; label UNIT_ID="Unit identifier(sequential number)"; label STATE="State code (1960 census)"; label S_CODE="Study code"; label RESIDE="In what type of place does family live?"; label NUMADL="# adults rceiving AFDC with fed matching"; label NUMCHD="# kids receiving AFDC with fed matching"; label NUMOTHR="# oth not included count for fed match"; label NUMTOT="Total in AFDC assistant group"; label OTHRHH="Other persons in household"; label NUMHH="Number in household"; label RACE="Race of payee"; label MONOPEN="# Mos from most recnt opening AFDC case"; label PRIAFDC="Did family receive FDC prior MONOPEN"; label YYRCV="Year family received AFDC 1st time"; label SAMEPAR="All kids AFDC grp have same dad & mom?"; label INAFDC1="# AFDC children unborn"; label INAFDC2="# AFDC children under 1 year"; label INAFDC3="# AFDC children 1 year"; label INAFDC4="# AFDC children 2 years"; label INAFDC5="# AFDC children 3 years"; label INAFDC6="# AFDC children 4 years"; label INAFDC7="# AFDC children 5 years"; label INAFDC8="# AFDC children 6 years"; label INAFDC9="# AFDC children 7 years"; label INAFDC10="# AFDC children 8 years"; label INAFDC11="# AFDC children 9 years"; label INAFDC12="# AFDC children 10 years"; label INAFDC13="# AFDC children 11 years"; label INAFDC14="# AFDC children 12 years"; label INAFDC15="# AFDC children 13 years"; label INAFDC16="# AFDC children 14 years"; label INAFDC17="# AFDC children 15 years"; label INAFDC18="# AFDC children 16 years"; label INAFDC19="# AFDC children 17 years"; label INAFDC20="# AFDC children 18 years"; label INAFDC21="# AFDC children 19 years"; label INAFDC22="# AFDC children 20 years"; label INAFDC="Total AFDC recipient children"; label ILLEGI="# Illegitimate AFDC recipient children"; label NOAFDC1="# nonrecipient children home < 6 yrs"; label NOAFDC2="# nonrecipient children home 6-17 yrs"; label NOAFDC3="# nonrecipient children home 18-20 yrs"; label DADSTS="Dad's status relative kid's AFDC eligib"; label YYDBIRTH="Year of father's birth"; label PLDBIRTH="Father's place of birth"; label DADEDUC="Highest grade school completed by father"; label DADRES="Where is father currently residing"; label MOMSTS="What is the status of the mother?"; label YYMJOBE="what year did she leave her last job?"; label YYMBIRTH="Mother's year of birth"; label PLMBIRTH="Mother's place of birth"; label MOMEDUC="Highest grade completed by mother"; label YEARMOVE="When mom move to state of residence"; label MOMRES="Where mom live prior to St of residence"; label CHDCARE1="How kids<3 cared for while mom works"; label CHDCARE2="How kids 3-5 cared for while mom works"; label CHDCARE3="How kids 6-14 cared for while mom works"; label PASTSER="During past yr has servce plan developd?"; label NUMREF1="AFDC moms referred to work incentive pgm"; label NUMREF2="AFDC dads referred to work incentive pgm"; label NUMREF3="AFDC kids>16 referrd to work incntve pgm"; label NUMREF4="Other AFDC referred to work incentve pgm"; label NUMREF5="Total AFDC referred to work incentve pgm"; label NUMENR1="AFDC moms enrolled work incentive pgm"; label NUMENR2="AFDC dads enrolled work incentive pgm"; label NUMENR3="AFDC kids>16 enrolled work incntve pgm"; label NUMENR4="Other AFDC enrolled work incentve pgm"; label NUMENR5="Total AFDC enrolled work incentve pgm"; label SERV1="Employment counseling/guidance"; label SERV2="Vocational rehabilitation services"; label SERV3="Referral for employment/work training"; label SERV4="Summer/part time work for children"; label SERV5="Preschool education"; label SERV6="Help assist kids continue education"; label SERV7="Adult basic education or HS equivalency"; label SERV8="Vocational education"; label SERV9="Improve home and financial management"; label SERV10="Secure better housing or improve housing"; label SERV11="Legal services"; label SERV12="Emergency services"; label SERV13="Unmarried mother services"; label SERV14="Services to establish paternity of kids"; label SERV15="Services to secure support for kids"; label SERV16="Homemaker services"; label SERV17="Servcs followng instit/foster home care"; label SERV18="Kids recreation/group activities/camping"; label SERV19="Day care services"; label SERV20="Adoption services"; label SERV21="Foster care services"; label SERV22="Protection for neglected/abused children"; label SERV23="Services relating to marital problems"; label SERV24="Parent-kid reltionshp/other kid adj prob"; label SERV25="Services for delinquent children"; label SERV26="Services physica/mentally handicapped"; label SERV27="Family planning without medical referral"; label SERV28="Family planning with medical referral"; label SERV29="Obtain or use medical/dental care"; label SERV30="not specified above" label MOMINC="Nonassistance income (mother)"; label DADINC="Nonassistance income(Father)"; label CHDINC="Nonassistance income(Child)"; label OTRINC="Nonassistance income(Other)"; label WIN="Earning public service employment(WIN)"; label SUPPAY="Contributions from absent father"; label OASDIRR="OASDI and/or railroad Retirement benefit"; label UCOMP="Unemployment compensation"; label CONOTHR="Contribs other persons in the household"; label INKIND="Other income inkind $ value is given"; label TOTINC="Total monthly nonassistance income"; label DDWORK="Allowed emply expense: Other"; label OUTAFDC="Alloc support depends outside AFDC grp"; label DDCHLD="Allowed emply expense: Childcare"; label OTHEREXP="Allocatd other expenses not in assist budget"; label CHDNEED="Set aside for future needs dpndnt chldrn"; label DDINC="Additional disregard income"; label NETINC71="Net remaining income in AFDC budget"; label AFDC="Monthly assistant Income: AFDC payment"; label GENAST="Monthly assistant Income: Gen assist"; label TOTAST="Total monthly nonassistance income"; label TOTNEED="Amts budgeted 1969:Full standard need"; label UNMET="Recognize unmet need"; label FDSTAMP="Food program participation"; label PUBHOUSE="Does the family live in public housing?"; label ORIGIN="Is payee Latin American?"; label YYDLEFT="Year father left home"; /* proc contents data = unit position; title '******** 1971 ******** unit variables'; RUN; */ *STATISTICS; proc means data = unit; var mominc --unmet; title '******** 1971 ******** unit variables'; proc freq data = unit; tables STATE RESIDE NUMADL NUMCHD NUMOTHR NUMTOT OTHRHH NUMHH RACE MONOPEN PRIAFDC YYRCV SAMEPAR (INAFDC1 - INAFDC22) INAFDC ILLEGI (NOAFDC1-NOAFDC3) DADSTS YYDLEFT YYDBIRTH PLDBIRTH DADEDUC DADRES MOMSTS YYMJOBE YYMBIRTH PLMBIRTH MOMEDUC YEARMOVE MOMRES (CHDCARE1-CHDCARE3) PASTSER (NUMREF1-NUMREF5) (NUMENR1-NUMENR5) (SERV1-SERV30) FDSTAMP PUBHOUSE ORIGIN /list missing; title '******** 1971 ******** unit variables'; FORMAT UNIT_ID FUNIT_ID. STATE PLDBIRTH PLMBIRTH MOMRES FSTATE. RESIDE FRESIDE. OTHRHH FOTHRHH. NUMHH FNUMHH. MONOPEN FMONOPEN. RACE FRACE. PRIAFDC FPRIAFDC. SAMEPAR FSAMEPAR. DADSTS FDADSTS. DADEDUC FDADEDUC. DADRES FDADRES. MOMSTS FMOMSTS. YYDLEFT FYYDLEFT. YYMJOBE FYYMJOBE. MOMEDUC FMOMEDUC. YEARMOVE FYEARMOV. CHDCARE1 FCHDCARE. CHDCARE2 FCHDCARE. CHDCARE3 FCHDCARE. PASTSER FPASTSER. SERV1-SERV30 FSERV. FDSTAMP FFDSTAMP. PUBHOUSE FPUBHOUS. ORIGIN FORIGIN. ; x 'gzip [afdcqc.sassets]FY71_U.DAT';